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Whatsapp Plus v17, Download latest Version Free
By info@wabluenews.com

Whatsapp Plus v17, Download latest Version Free


Whatsapp plus v17 is one of those messaging apps accessible with a single tap and is free to use to ensure the privacy of communication between the sender and the recipient. Using WhatsApp, users may communicate with their contacts via audio and video calls, text and voice messaging, file sharing (including movies and photos), voice messages, and audio and video communications. End-to-end encryption, status updates, group chats, and other features have all been added to the program as it has expanded.

A customized version of the original WhatsApp application is WhatsApp Plus which provides extra functionality and customization choices not included in the official version. Themes that can be customized, various conversation modes, and the capacity to share larger file sizes are only few of the features of WhatsApp Plus. The recent update is WhatsApp Plus v17 which offers several extra features. This article is about WhatsApp Plus v17, in which we have to discuss its features, pros and cons, how to install, Faqs, and much more.

What is Whatsaap Plus v17?

The most recent update is the WhatsApp Plus is WhatsApp Plus v17, which is used by millions of individuals globally. A fantastic tool for managing numerous accounts, masking blue ticks for private use, custom themes, and hiding online status. By utilizing the many made-to-order settings and other features, you can use them to impress your friends. You can also hide the app’s typing, recording, and online state if you love to keep your privacy. 

Blue whatsapp latest version.

Blue whatsapp app.

Blue Gb Whatsapp.

Features of Whatsapp plus v17

Following are the potential advanced features of WhatsApp Plus v17.

  • Hiding typing tag

Suppose somebody wants to prevent others from seeing their typing progress. He can then disable it in this mod’s privacy settings.

  • Special Customization: 

WhatsApp Plus provides various customization options so users can modify how their WhatsApp program looks. Users have a selection of customized themes, fonts, and styles. Users can enjoy the blue look of the app, too; as with the name, this app also has a blue colour interface.

  • Enhanced Advance Privacy:

More privacy choices are offered to users in this version of WhatsApp Plus, including the ability to hide the online status, blue ticks, and second ticks. Users can also hide their recording and typing statuses. 

  • Media sharing

Sending huge video files, uncompressed pictures, and audio files is all possible with WhatsApp Plus. Users can transfer large media files with others even without losing the quality of the file.

  • No Calls

A special feature in WhatsApp Plus v17 allows users to make decisions for making the availability of the calls for a specific chat. That means users can now disable the calls for chats they don’t want to receive.

  • Improved Messaging

WhatsApp Plus provides extra messaging features like the capacity to simultaneously send up to 300 messages and create groups with up to 256 participants.

Pros and cons 

There are some potential advantages and disadvantages of WhatsApp Plus v17.


  • WhatsApp Plus provides users with a wealth of customization options, including themes, fonts, and styles, to further customize the look of their WhatsApp application.
  •  WhatsApp Plus allows users to turn off read notifications and hide their online status and blue and second ticks. Users can also hide their recording and typing statuses.
  •  WhatsApp Plus lets users send larger video and uncompressed photos and audio files. Users can also transfer 50MB worth of files at once.


  •  WhatsApp Plus is a third-party modified version of the original WhatsApp application, and it may provide security or privacy risks.
  • Users can lose their chat history and media assets if they want to switch from WhatsApp Plus to the standard version of WhatsApp again.
  • Although WhatsApp Plus has an anti-ban feature, using customized versions of the application still puts you at risk of being banned by WhatsApp.

How to install whatsaap plus v17 

  • The download for WhatsApp Plus can be started by going to the download link and clicking on it.
  • The download path will be requested in a pop-up window.
  • Wait for the downloading to finish.
  • Find the downloaded third-party APK file by going to the download manager on your phone.
  • Install it by tapping on it.
  • If requested, allow installations from untrusted sources, or enable unknown sources in your phone’s settings.
  • Open the application and begin using it after the installation is complete. 


What is WhatsApp Plus v17?

A customized version of the official WhatsApp is called WhatsApp Plus. It is the 17 version of WhatsApp Plus with some extra advanced features.

Is WhatsApp Plus V17 safe to use?

Yes, this is the secure version of the app, as multiple anti-viruses scanned it to ensure safety.

Can I download WhatsApp Plus V17 for iPhone?

No, WhatsApp Plus v17 is not available for IOS users.

How Can I Install WhatsApp Plus v13 Apk On Android Devices?

Yes, you can easily download and install the app on Android devices.


Simply put, the WhatsApp Plus v17 app will provide you with all the amazing features you could wish for in a modified version of WhatsApp. You can now download WhatsApp Plus v17 App Apk for Android, and it contains all the customized settings for the users that are already discussed above in detail. Furthermore, it also provides special privacy options that will help users to make custom privacy for their use.

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  • April 8, 2023

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